In The Crawlspace...
In the crawlspace under my house my Beaker clones have been working very hard in their laboratory. They were so happy the other day, informing me they constructed a robot maid to clean the house.
I was happy to hear about it!
However, every time I come home from work I find it lounging in the recliner watching TV and drinking quart after quart out of a case of Valvoline 5W-30 oil. It told me 10w-30 doesn't agree with it, giving it a bad case of diarrhea.
That day I tried staying clear of the bathroom...
At any rate, it orders me to fix dinner, do the dishes, take out the trash, do the laundry, scratch its back, rub its shoulders, and feed it nuts and bolts out of a bowl while it gets excited over the custom motorcycles on the show, American Chopper.
I feel something has gone wrong here.